Communication Strategy

Ginoogaming First Nation’s communication goal is to implement a network that improves information sharing between membership, programs and leadership who provides essential services to our people. Community meetings, newsletters, website, social media, brochures, flyers, workshops and posters are just some of the forums used to share activities in and around our Traditional Territory. Media Relations is an important function for programs which address Ginoogaming First Nation issues and concerns to the attention of the public and governments.

Local & Regional Newsletters

The newsletters are designed to strengthen communication and eliminate gaps by providing our membership both on and off-reserve with the latest on local and regional news, projects and events. In the newsletters you will find information on various topics from Economic Development, Mineral Development, Education, Health, Social Programming and Infrastructure. The newsletters are distributed quarterly with weekly updates from the Ring of Fire Media Clips, community members are encouraged to get involved by submitting ideas or stories to :

Ginoogaming First Nation Newsletter August 2023

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Ginoogaming First Nation Newsletter Spring 2023

2023 Newsletter

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Ginoogaming First Nation Newsletter July 2021

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Regional Priorities & Jurisdiction Newsletter

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Matawa Messenger

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Greenstone Mine Newsletter

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Ring of Fire Media Clips

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MATAWA Media Statment

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