Ontario Works Program


Phone Number: (807)-876-1660

Fax Number: (807)-876-9938

To provide financial assistance and employment assistance to people in financial need. The Ontario Works Program:
 Recognizes individual responsibility and promotes self-reliance through employment.
 Provides financial assistance to those most in need while they meet obligations to become and stay employed
 Effectively serves people needing assistance and accountable to the taxpayers of Onrtario.

Ginoogaming Ontario Works Staff support clients by determining eligibility through application process whether it may be basic needs, board and lodging or emergency.
Application process is completed by Ontario Works Caseworker.
Application process includes monthly benefits such as:
Shelter costs that includes hydro, union gas, reliance and any other form of heating system.
Special diet if required
Transition child benefit
Pregnancy nutritional allowance
Temporary care allowance
Transition Support Funding
Health related such as dental, prescribed eyewear etc;

Ginoogaming Ontario Work has been granted the employment and training program for clients that receive social assistance since 2011 which is a blessing for our community.
The employment and training program provides:
Aboriginal Workforce Development Maintenance Program (AWDMP) offers life skills, pre-employment, full-time employment and education for a period of 8 weeks. This 8 week training is held 3 times per year.
Ontario Works clients also attend the Online Adult Education through Contact North and ASAP Education offered by KKETS in Thunder Bay.
Ontario Works and KKETS work together in preparing all of the above to ensure that all clients move forward in accomplishing their future goals.
Traditional Gatherings/Teachings in all areas of healthy growth and positive lifestyles.

Elizabeth Ferris (Ontario Works Manager)
Simone Echum (Caseworker)
Priscilla Shaganash (Employment Support Worker)

Employment Counselling Service

The Employment Community Counsellor is responsible for providing support, advocacy and direction for GFN Band Members who wish to seek employment. Some of the services include resume and cover letter writing, job applications, job search and interviewing tips, and developing workforce through funding proposals. That doesn’t stop there, once a band member finds work they can make an appointment with the counsellor to assist them in any challenges they are facing when working. The ECC is directly involved with the Longlac  Lumber Inc. and acts as a liaison for the community. For more information contact Priscilla Shaganash at (807)-876-1660.